Raz’s Wellness

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food."

What if there were a way we could influence how well, and how long our beloved pets lived.  Can simply offering better nutrition and supplementation provide us more time with our pets?    Is there a link between over vaccination, and early spay and neutering, and the onset of diseases in our pets like arthritis, allergies, auto-immune related illnesses, and even cancer?

I believe the answer to all of the above questions is… yes.   I have spent the last 15 years as a canine wellness consultant. I have seen some amazing transformations in the health, and vitality of many dogs and cats thru the use of whole food nutrition, herbs, supplements, homeopathy, and aromatherapy.

The pet food industry in that time has also begun to change for the better.   I think this is due, in large part, to the fact that pet owners are becoming informed about what really goes into pet food, and, are demanding change.   There are many new companies that are offering less processed, whole, raw or lightly cooked nutrition as an alternative to the standard dry chow, and canned foods. What is also changing is the amount of information regarding the implication of over-vaccination and early spay and neutering to our pets.

My hope is to empower those who are interested in using all the,"tools in the tool box" to improve the lives of their pets.    My passion is continuing to find ways to positively influence pets' immunity and longevity. To the extent that I can help you do the same I will. This section is divided into "tools".  Click on a tool of interest in the right-hand menu and find information to guide you.

Enjoy the journey. I look forward to feedback, and questions.


Retta spends her professional time as a canine wellness consultant. Professionally she goes by "Raz." Her canine wellness page offers valuable information about nutrition, supplementation, herbal and homeopathic remedies, disease prevention, and other health related issues.
Retta and River

Retta and River

Retta and Canoe

Retta and Canoe